Entrepreneur-Business Owner

Entrepreneur vs. Business Owner


The word entrepreneur means; a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

I would argue here that “risks” is the key word.

Entrepreneur has become highly utilized and most people I run into, that own a small business, would categorize themselves an entrepreneur. What do you think you are?

In order for us to understand the difference between the two, we need to examine what RISKS means when it comes to business and then ask yourself, is that really me?

I once read that many small business owners are dying to get MORE OPPORTUNITY. But here is the deal, opportunity is never devoid of risk. Opportunity inherently has risk. So if you want opportunity you must welcome risk with open arms.

When I am talking about risks, I don’t just mean financial risks. I mean out of the box thinking, stepping into unknown territory, creating and executing marketing strategies that most people wouldn’t be willing to try, and using sales tactics that go against the grain in your current profession.

You see, if you don’t take risks and you are only willing to stay within the box, that means you are probably only using strategies and tactics that everyone else in your profession is using. And that means that you are in HUGE competition with everyone else.

Business EntrepreneurAn entrepreneur doesn’t want to be in competition with everyone else, they want to create new markets and new ways of doing things to reach people that are not typically reached by industry standards.

So take some time today and decide who you want to be. If you decide you want to be an entrepreneur, look at potential opportunities you have been scared to take because of the risk. Take one.

And to all my entrepreneurs, be sure that you change your mindset and say, “I welcome risk because it brings its friend opportunity!

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