About Lacey

So here is the deal…I can say a lot of things about myself and my experience (and I will for those of you that truly want to know) BUT experience, years in the field, they only take you so far. Passion, not experience, is the secret fuel to anything that you do.

Lacey Book Speaker Reel

I am fueled by my passion everyday. My Passion is to help women entrepreneurs achieve a HIGHER LEVEL of success. My belief is that success can be obtained with ease.

I also believe that success, is in fact, our default state. That every person on the planet was born successful . With successful ideas, successful relationships, opportunity and possess all the abilities they need to be successful. I know what you are thinking, and yes, I am serious! I believe that it is ourselves that take us out of this default state, that gets in our own way of being the successful, fulfilled individuals we were meant to be.  This belief has been the foundation for many of the endeavors I have personally experienced in my life.

My husband and I are the owners of the franchise, The Specific Chiropractic Centers, that has 15 offices nationwide and 30 doctors in their system. The franchise is continuing to flourish and thrive. I build this with the same business principles I teach my clients. For the sake of transparency, not everything was rainbows and unicorns and it was all those moments that I learned from, those moments that allow me to take women to a whole other level of success.

I also speak on national stages at least once a month, I make numerous international appearances each year and speak about business and chiropractic. I love every minute.

Most importantly, I am a business coach and co-founder of The Black Diamond Club . The Black Diamond Club is a membership program with over 350 business entrepreneurs. My husband and I expose you to tons of business concepts that allow you to practice your business in an authentic and congruent way. I have been able to help women build handcrafted jewelry businesses, network marketing businesses, chiropractic businesses, life coaching and anything else that would fuel your fire.

If you get anything from this “about me” I hope that it is this:

I stand for a world where success is a product easily obtained through passion, patterns and persistence. Where purpose is never compromised.

That is it. If that resonates with you, I hope that you stick around and we can get to know each other better.

With love and success,

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