A Time Vampire Is the Worst of Its Kind

The time vampire. We all have them but sometimes we don’t see them. One of the things I have realized over my many years working with entrepreneurs is that becoming more disciplined with your time will allow you to reach higher levels of success.

But here is the problem, many of us don’t feel like we have enough time in the first place. We tell ourselves that we are “too busy” or have “too many things to do” and stress out about how we are going to get our huge to do list done.

The reality of it is that everyone has the same amount of time in the day and there is someone out there that is doing more than you and more than me. This is because they are extremely disciplined with how they use their time.

Since I am always struggling with this, I am constantly trying to find ways to tighten up how I use my time. The first step in this is always to analyze where my time goes and what is sucking the most time out of my day. So here is what is I do:

For one whole week, write down everything you do throughout the day, and I mean EVERYTHING. No matter how big or small, these tasks and activities should make it on your list. Yes, that includes social media, phone calls, running to the grocery store etc.

Then you need to reflect on everything you did that week and talk a good look at where your time really goes. I think you will be surprised to find out who or what your time vampires really are. When you find them, kick them in the butt and straighten them out by becoming more disciplined in how and when you do those certain things.

I promise, if you start there and just become aware of what is sucking the most of your time, you will be able to free up more space to do the things that really elevate you and your business.

Happy vampire hunting!

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