Done Is Better Than Perfect

I figured that this was the most appropriate mantra to talk about considering this is the first blog on the new website.

Done is better than perfect.

Words I live by. I long suffered from the illusion that perfection was an attainable goal. Have you ever been there? I strived to be perfect in what I wrote, how I looked, how I spoke, the message I delivered and practically anything that someone else had the ability to judge.

It’s really easy to believe that you can achieve perfection but it exhausting trying to reach it. I realized quickly that my desire to be perfect often led to a disabling fear of judgement. This fear completely inhibited my ability to grow and evolve into a successful business and to get the things done that I needed to. I had to break this habit and quick.

So what do you do?

  1. You have to live by this mantra: DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT.
  2. Post it everywhere that counts. The bathroom mirror, office desk, a sticky note on the computer. This reminder will allow you to break through this need to be perfect.
  3. Produce. As you are working on a project, remind yourself that by getting something done and out there (perfect or NOT!) far outweighs the damage of not doing something at all.
  4. Don’t look in the rear view. Often times those of us that are paralyzed by fear of judgement will constantly look back to see how people are viewing our work. Once you put something out there, it is important to practice moving on. If you can’t move on, you can’t move forward. Business is all about moving forward.

I get it, all of these thing are easier said than done. They require continued practice, dedication and you getting a bit uncomfortable. If you can do these 4 things, you too can be a recovering perfectionist.

And hey, I know this blog isn’t perfect but…

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